

vintage shop update

this is what i was doing during the superbowl: vintage shop update! our hearts weren't in it this year (i tried, but i just couldn't root for the packers - sorry sconnies). then we went to see a movie at the riverview, our favorite neighborhood theater. have you seen the social network? what did you think - oscar worthy? 

hop over to pinkshirtsandcarwrecks vintage to take a peek at the updates.


  1. Was checking out the shop and updates, and I have to say the: this fabulous century series - vintage books have such awesome patterns and colors. I love em. If they don't sell quick maybe I can grab em if hubby dearest mind a few more books in my collection. hehe
    Thanks for the post as always!

    Tiffany Layden-Ooley
    The Write Way

  2. i love the patterns too! definitely a cool addition to your book collection :)


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